Nigeria sedimentary basin pdf

The basin is a nwse trending embayment, perpendicular to the main axis of. Integrating density and durability in assessing rock types. The presence of libycoceras dandense howarth in marine facies of the nkporo shale about 35 m below the nkporomamu contact in the lokpaukwuleru section demonstrates that in this area the. The study area is located in the niger delta, nigeria fig. The thickness of the basin ranges between 1012km and it is made up of deltaic and shallow marine sediments. The essential element of the concept is tectonic creation of relief, to. Part 3 takes the mineral resources of nigeria one on one, their geological environment, mode of occurrence, localities. Aquifers in the sokoto basin, northwestern nigeria, with a.

The iullemmenden basin is a cratonic basin created by tectonic epiorogenic movement within carbonic rocks betrandsafarti. Sedimentary basins range in size from as small as hundreds of meters to large parts of ocean basins. Its development began after the eocene tectonic phase. Nigerias frontier basinsunrealized rift system hydrocarbon. Geologic map showing configuration of potentiometric surface in cretaceous aquifers, sokoto basin, northwestern nigeria. Niger delta is situated within the benue trough system and it is a young sedimentary basin. Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough. It lies on an nwse trending trough with a length of km and a width of 60 km and constitutes a small prolongation of the benue trough where important oil fields have been discovered. Geology and mineral resources of nigeria nuhu george obaje. During the following decades the temperature measurements in. Depositional facies and sequence stratigraphic study in parts.

Geologic map of the sokoto basin, northwestern nigeria. Heavy minerals and geochemical characteristics of sandstones as indices of provenance and source area tectonics of the. These outcrops were exposed along the onitshaotochaomornsukka road and the onitshaenugu expressway. Nigerias military operations in the lake chad basin. Rainfall, averaging about 30 inches annually in much of the basin, occurs chiefly in a wet season which lasts from may to october. The study area is opl 803806809 in the gongola basin. The sedimentary succession in the bida basin, central nigeria, has the potential to include an active petroleum system with the generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in commercial quantities. Geochemical evaluation of the hydrocarbon prospects of sedimentary basins in northern nigeria.

Geology and mineral resources of nigeria springerlink. The basin is the eastern extension of the cote divoireghana basin and formed as a result of transtensional movement during the separation of africa and south america. This represents the average thickness of the sedimentary formation that overlay the basement complex within the lower portion of benue basin and the upper portion of anambra basin. The basin is a gently downwarped trough whose genesis may be closely connected with the santonian orogenic movements of southeastern nigeria and the benue valley, nearby. Basin, sediment thickness is in excess of 4000 m 39. Pdf sedimentary facies relationships and depositional. Afikpo is located in the southern benue trough, between the abakiliki anticlinorium running. Depositional environment of siliciclastic deposits on the. The present study examines the stratigraphic succession of benin and western nigeria offshore basins and attempts to compare these stratigraphic nomenclatures.

The mineral resources so far reported in the trough by the geological survey of nigeria agency are discussed below. I4, ikporukpo betty t j 5 and david inyang6 1,2 department of geology, university of port harcourt, port harcourt, nigeria. Geology and stratigraphy of middle cretaceous sequences. Map of the major sedimentary basins of central and west africa. Basin, the benue trough, the chad basin, the sokoto basin, the bidanupe basin and the dahomey basin, all infill with sediments varying in age from the cretaceous to recent. Late maastrichtian to paleocene sediments of part of. Sedimentology and depositional environments of the. The niger delta basin, also referred to as the niger delta province, is an extensional rift basin located in the niger delta and the gulf of guinea on the passive continental margin near the western coast of nigeria with suspected or proven access to cameroon, equatorial guinea and sao tome and principe. Only about 10% of the areal extent of the basin lies within nigeria. Earths crust, of tectonic origin, in which sediments accumulate. Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology pdf download, jamie oliver goli kuhar pdf download 1cc1596b1f sedimentary basins ofindia search results read books online free.

The niger delta sedimentary basin of nigeria contains more than 12km of marine and deltaic sediments. Subsurface temperature prediction from multilayer solution. The mamfe sedimentary basin is a rifting basin formed in response to the gondwana breakup and subsequent separation of the south american and african plates. Recent interests in drilling highrisk depths and targets. It is a shallow, linear depression with sedimentary fill of. Stratigraphy and petroleum plays of the late to middle. Provenance studies and sedimentology of ogwashiasaba formation, anambra basin, nigeria acra 1e. An overview of the geology and hydrogeology of nigeria chapter pdf available. To the east, it is contiguous or adjacent to the anambra basin and these basins were major depositional axes for transgressive and regressive sediments in the. An estimate of oil window in nigeria niger delta basin from. The present work assesses the variation of rock densities and durability with the rock type using rocks of the nigeria oldest sedimentary basin. It is a shallow, linear depression with sedimentary fill of about 3,000 m thick udensi and osazuwa, 2004. Geological survey editorial standards or with the north american stratigraphic.

The sokoto basin of northwestern nigeria lies in the subsaharan sudan belt of west africa in a zone of savannahtype vegetation. Geology and mineral resources of the lower benue trough, nigeria. It is frequently regarded as the northwestern extension of the anambra basin to the southeast. The northwest southeastern trending bida basin forms one of the major inland sedimentary basins in nigeria. An older and a younger group of sedimentary basins can be distinguished in. The deepest parts of the basins are the lower southern edge, these are around idah, angba, and ankpa and the midportion of the study area, below udegi, which record. Sedimentary basins are regions of earth of longterm subsidence creating accommodation space for infilling by sediments. Contains details on the geological units of nigeria and the associated mineral resources. The basin is a nwse trending embayment, perpendicular to the main axis of the benue trough and the niger delta basin fig. Recent groundwater quality assessment in the southwest. P basin a u l f z r o m a n c h e f r a c t u r e z o n e c h a i n f r a c t u r e z o n e gulf of guinea volta basin 5 0 100 5 00 50 0 0n n w w e 0 200 400 km country boundary fracture zone sedimentary basin. The three sedimentary basins in nigeria are underlain by continental crust except in the niger delta, where the basement rock is interpreted to be oceanic crust. Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology pdf download. Map of sedimentary basin of nigeria showing the study area after, obaje 2009.

The tanocape three points basin is a cretaceous wrench modified pullapart basin. Basin framework and basement structuring of lower benue trough. Hydrocarbon prospect of nigerias gongola basin based on. Ology of the niger d nigeria and s ry is the benin the west afric defined by outc nd further eastthe adjacent p ince is define rn boundary of ransformfault ediment thickn in areas whe o the south and s in the basin h ic units fig. Hydrocarbon seepages have been reported in the basin around pategimuregi on the river niger in niger state and around ahoko near lokoja in kogi state. The categorization based on the prospectivity of the basin as presently known is as under. Niger delta province, nigeria, cameroon, and equatorial guinea, africa by michele l. The subsidence can result from a variety of causes that include. Broadly indian sedimentary basins have been divided into four categories based on their degree of prospectivity as presently known.

The anambra basin is a roughly triangular basin containing more than 5. The lithostratigraphicunits in the study area isnsugbe sandsoligocene. I4, ikporukpo betty t j 5 and david inyang6 1,2 department of geology, university of port harcourt, port. The sokoto basin on the northwestern outskirts of nigeria is a part of large iullemmeden basin that extends far to the north. It is bounded by the saltpond basin in the east and the st. Doc geology of nigeria vincent kalu and stanless pee. Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the nkporo group campanianmaastrichtian, anambra basin, nigeria sandstones obi, 2000. Part 3 presents the mineral resources of nigeria, their geological environment, mode of occurrence, localities and where possible their estimated reserves. The benue trough of nigeria formed as a result of series of tectonism and repetitive sedimentation in the cretaceous time when south america separated from africa.

The lower benue trough like other sedimentary basins in nigeria is found to be endowed with mineral resources. Part 1 discusses the geology of the crystalline rocks and their regional distribution while the sedimentary basins constitute the subject of part 2. Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the nkporo. The iullemeden sedimentary basin, located in mali, niger and nigeria, with minor areas in algeria and benin, covers a region of approximately 525 000 km 2 with about 31 000 km 2 in mali, 434 000 km 2 in niger and 60 000 km 2 in nigeria. Pdf an overview of the geology and hydrogeology of nigeria. For artificial basins to trap sediment, see sediment basin. Kurowska university of silesia department of fundamental geology sosnowiec poland abstract niger delta sedimentary basin is a large arcuate delta of the destructive dominated wave type that has been explored for oil and gas and exploited since 1958. It has 1831 observed gravity stations with an interval of 500 m. Detailed sedimentary facies analysis of outcrops of clastic deposits on the western flank of the anambra basin, sw nigeria has been carried out to determine the depositional environments of the sediments. O nigeria b e n i n dahomey embayment benin basin keta basin tano basin s a l t p o nd a n d c e n t r a l b a s i s ivory coast s t. It is a preliminary stage process aiming to give additional information for the beginning of a stratigraphic harmonization project concerning sedimentary basins of the. The iullemmenden basin is a cratonic basin created by tectonic epiorogenic movement within carbonic rocks betrandsafarti, 1977. Anambra basin, the first area where intensive oil exploration was carried out in nigeria, has about 12,000 metre of sedimentary rocks which accumulated in its thickest part since the european journal of basic and applied sciences vol.

Geohydrologic section through northeastern sokoto basin, north western nigeria, showing principal aquifers and confining beds. Geology and mineral resources of nigeria nuhu george. The drainage basin is roughly coterminous with the sedimentary basin of the same name, but extends further to the northeast and east. Pdf geochemical evaluation of the hydrocarbon prospects of. Anambra basin in the lower benue trough is a major coal producing basin in nigeria where intensive. To the east, it is contiguous or adjacent to the anambra basin and these basins were major depositional axes. Basement geology in the sedimentary basins of nigeria geology. The univariate, bivariate, multivariate, pebble morphometry and sedimentary structures indicate that the. Review of seismic velocity model from checkshot survey data. Structural interpretation of the mamfe sedimentary basin of. The nigeria chad basin is part of the bornu basin, an intracratonic rift basin having an area of 2,335,000 km 2 and covering chad, niger, the cameroun republics, and northeastern part of nigeria. Subsurface temperature prediction from multilayer solution of.

In nigeria, the dominant type of basement rock intersected by wells drilled for hydrocarbons, limestone, or water is granite. Nigeria sedimentary rocks plutonic rocks tertiary west africa west african shield. Nigeria is underlain by seven major sedimenta ry basins, viz. Basement geology in the sedimentary basins of nigeria.

Review of seismic velocity model from checkshot survey. The bida basin, which is one of the major inland sedimentary basins in nigeria, is oriented in the northwest southeastern direction and perpendicular to the main axis of the benue trough and the niger delta basin of nigeria fig. The basin is bounded on the east by the abakaliki anticlinorium, and on the west by the precambrian complex rocks of western nigeria and on the southern part by the upper limits of the niger delta eocene growth faults nwajide, 2005. The lake chad basin is the largest endorheic drainage basin in africa, centered on lake chad. Sedimentary facies relationships and depositional environments of the maastrichtian enagi formation, northern bida basin, nigeria article pdf available february 2012 with 790 reads how we.

This is more than the minimum overburden thickness of. Pdf petroleum potentials of the nigerian benue trough and. The middle niger basin nupe or bida basin, which is only about 0. Umunya section, niger delta basin, nigeria adaeze i. The basin is structurally linked to the north with the termit basin with which.